Tuesday, September 14, 2010

italian easy recipes : Garlic Bread

Garlic Bread

  • Loaf of Italian bread or other bread such as french bread  
  • 2 spoon butter (omit if you prefer) melted 
  • 3-4 spoon extra virgin olive oil 
  • 2 cloves minced garlic


  1. Preheat oven to 450F or broil.
  2. Slice bread in length wise on its side so you have 2 long pieces of bread, the top and the bottom. (As if you were filleting the bread)
  3. Melt the butter and mix with the olive oil and garlic. Mix well with spoon or fork.
  4. Spread on the open side of the bread with a brush or spoon. Do your best to even it out but don't worry about it too much
  5. Place bread face up on baking pan and place in oven.
  6. Bake at 450 or at broil for about 5 minutes.
  7. Keep checking bread until it is the right amount of crispness. Some people like it slightly toasted while others like it very toasted and browned. So judge for your own preference, but be careful to keep a close eye on the bread that it doesn't burn since it is at such a high temperature.
  8. When finished, remove from oven and slice into desired thickness. 1 inch thickness is pretty typical, but do what you prefer.
      TIP #1: Prepare this recipe when you are not doing a ton of things at once because it is easy to forget about. And before you know it, you'll see the smoke coming from the oven and the fire alarm will sound. What? No of course this has never happened to me!
      TIP #2: To keep the bread warm after baking/toasting, wrap in tin foil and set aside until ready to serve.
      TIP 3#: To cut down on fat and calories, omit the butter. It will still taste amazing.

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